made easy
with a click.

Design and manage all innovation processes starting from your needs on a single innovation management platform.

Our clients

Innovation is complex.
Make it easier.

blendX solves all your pain and helps you
tracking them and managing innovation.

do I start?

Collect, classify, and organize innovation needs in a simple and traceable way.

on the market?

Explore the market, learn about trends and technologies, discover and collaborate with startups.

How can I
organise my resources?

Having all the resources needed to activate and stimulate innovation in one place.

How do I manage
ideas and PoC?

Unlocking people's ideas and managing ideas to transform them into projects.

How do I track
my decisions?

Having governance over innovation initiatives with clear processes and KPIs.

How do I showcase
the innovation ecosystem?

Keeping records of the technologies, startups, technological partners, and mentors I collaborate with

Accelerate innovation, from ideation to execution.

Build your innovation strategy starting from the ideas you collect, the trends and technologies you intercept, the partners and experts you choose, the resources you gather, and the ones you discover. Finally, a platform to manage all the knowledge about innovation.



Define and detail your needs using use case scenarios.


Build your framework to design and manage innovation.




Discover software solutions, technologies, startups, and market trends.


Map and organize all the resources useful for accelerating innovation.


Turn innovation into actions by engaging users and communities.


Spread and highlight innovation contents, initiatives, and projects.

Over 20 modules to manage innovation. You choose what you need.

Discover all that you can do with blendX.

Innovation Need

Gather and monitor the organization's innovation needs, interacting with the team to pinpoint the best actions for addressing them.

Innovation Framework

Standardize your organization's innovation processes to make them more efficient and scalable.

Innovation Plan

Schedule, review, and monitor your annual investment plan in innovation.

Training Plan

Develop and manage your training plan for your team by assigning content, topics, and objectives.

Workforce Plan

Provide your innovation team with a tool to assign roles, plan activities, and manage innovation processes.

Innovation Resources

Gather and pool all resources of your organization to fully leverage them in your innovation processes.

Tech Landscape

Classify and gather all technological solutions that are part of your organization's infrastructure.

Change Agent

Gather and classify all experts, mentors, tech companies, and internal or external professionals who can contribute to the available skills database.

Innovation Demand

Provide members of your organization with a tool that allows them to report insights and innovation needs.


Tech Radar

Monitor the market, keeping track of current trends and emerging technologies to anticipate competitors and find the most innovative solutions.


Trend Scouting

Monitor and gather all market trends to anticipate their potential and keep track of developments.


Software Scouting

Consult the classification of software and market platforms useful for organizing the technological landscape or identifying a new solution.


Startup Scouting

Explore the market startup classification to identify a new solution for the organization's innovation needs.

Startup Portfolio

Analyze top startups using a single repository with detailed mapping.

R&D Scouting e Portfolio

Consult the classification of Research and Development projects available on the market to identify new ideas and solutions.

Software Portfolio

Consult a wide catalog of software to understand which ones can best meet the needs of your organization.

Agile Execution

Organize all your activities through projects, User Stories, and Sprints, following the Agile Scrum methodology starting from an innovation need.

Idea Management

Stimulate the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of members of your organization by gathering ideas and launching challenges to solve.

Innovators Factory

Increase your brand awareness and innovate your recruiting process by offering a masterclass to future young talents.

Hackathon Management

Organize a hackathon to interactively develop a solution to your innovation needs by gathering ideas and projects

POC Management

Tackle the process of managing proof of concepts in an orderly and effective manner, from the proposal phase to project closure.

Challenge Management

Launch a challenge to obtain a solution to your innovation needs by gathering ideas and projects from within or outside your organization.

Are you managing innovation processes and want to make everything smoother and traceable?

blendX provides you with all the flexibility you need to build a tailor-made framework,
centralize innovation in one place, and propel your organization into the future.

For Corporate

Transform your needs into growth and innovation opportunities. Renew your processes, develop your ideas, collaborate with startups, and discover trends and technologies..

For Enablers

Manage your innovation portfolio, collaborate with your ecosystem, optimize scouting and call to action to enrich your value proposition.

For Universities

Connect your academic talent with companies and enablers. Transform your research projects into successful startups and bring your innovation to the market.

Are you a startup?
Discover how blendX allows you to connect to the innovation ecosystem and allows you to show your unique value proposition.


Why blendX?

All your people, your ideas, and your projects
heading in the same direction.


Achieve full coverage of innovation processes and centralize knowledge in one place for a comprehensive and informed view.

Scalability and customization

Gradually expand your innovation ecosystem by selecting only the modules you truly need.

Execution from need

Ignite innovation by defining innovation needs based on real-world and categorized use cases

Smart automation

Enhance your strategic choices by leveraging advanced dashboards, KPIs to measure the ROI of innovation, and recommendation systems
for your actions.

and rapid prototyping

Let our experts guide you to validate your innovation journey and build your environment with
progressive prototyping.

Open Technology
and Low code

Utilize maximum flexibility with ready-to-use components and integrations and API-friendly
to connect third-party tools.

Our clients

Begin your journey to manage innovation. Now.

Get in touch with our team of innovation experts to understand how they can help unlock the potential of your innovation ecosystem.

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